A New Adventure

The national flag of Kingdom of Thailand since...

The national flag of Kingdom of Thailand since the year 2460 of the Buddhist Era; there are total of 3 colours: Red represents the blood spilt to protect Thailand’s independence and often more simply described as representing the nation. White represents the religion of Buddhism, the predominant religion of the nation Blue represents the monarchy of the nation, which is recognised as the centre of Thai hearts. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This past week I have been breaking into my position as an journalist intern in Thailand. Over the next two months my entries will be based one what I learn from this experience, so I will open up with how it all began.This adventure began as an answer to prayer and a leap of faith.

I was in the middle of my third year in college and started to take more courses in journalism, my field of study. My parents are missionaries in Southeast Asia and had recently moved to Thailand for reassignment. When the semester ended I went to spend Christmas with my family in Thailand.

While I was there, my dad asked what I wanted to do with my field of study. This was a hard question for me to answer because I really had no idea. When I began my first year at school I knew I wanted to do something in writing, but I was not sure how to be productive in it. For some reason I chose to go with journalism as a major field of study as opposed to something more creative like English. But I moved toward that direction trusting that God would work it out.

As the next two years progressed I developed a love for journalism, but I could not figure out what purpose I would fulfill with it. I felt that I would follow my parents’ footsteps into the mission field, so I leaned toward the goal to travel and write about people around the world.

So I told my dad that that was what I wanted to do, or at least what I felt God wanted me to do. When I did he told me about a great opportunity available in Thailand. There was an internship with a mission magazine with a major media hub. Before I left I was introduced to one of the lead writers and she told me about the opportunity available.

At first it did not seem likely that I could get the internship, but as the weeks passed I prayed that if it was God’s will that He would open the doors to the field. It took time and effort to make it possible, but six months later I found myself on a plane returning to Thailand ready to see what lies ahead through the internship.

I completed my first official day there and have already made good friends and find satisfaction in my performance. I praise God who made it all possible. I do not know what exactly where I am heading when it is all over, but I trust that if God managed to give me an opportunity to pursue something that I love and use it to honor Him then I can trust Him with what comes next.